Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 5: Restarting

I still have no, this is crappy.

Here I am on my first "Day of Nicknames", if you will. I succeeded, but I don't know how

Maybe my life isn't so bass akwards, after all. I mean, I do have an email from YALE in my inbox...And I have about 10 good friends. So...maybe it was just a funk. But, I will still keep my attitude positive and disposition positive.

Eh...I haven't laid out my day in a while, so...

First Class:  AP Bio:  Learned majorly carbohydrate chains and chemical formulas, then we started with lipids. Yeah. It's Bio, but it's really BioChemistry. Yay me.

Second Class:  AP English:  Holy freaking crap it's getting boring. We take way too long going over Lord of the Flies's about to drive me insane. And, we have about three projects that we don't fully know about.

Third Class:  AP History:  I don't think I ever made this clear...We have our lunch at the beginning of the block rather than in the middle to avoid breaks in tests. So...we eat earlier than 4/5 of the school. Yay us. Now, there's a single girl (junior) that sits at my table at lunch, and she's also in my History class...and all through lunch, and I'm not joking, I swear she just stares at me, almost appreciatively. I look over, (with my nice face, mind you) and she quickly turns away. She almost never talks, and she's just the type of person you would want to bring home to your family:  nice, quiet, beautiful, humble, smart...just everything you want in a girl...and she's a CHRISTIAN!!! So...I'm gonna give it a few more days, see how things play out. See if she retains interest.

The pathetic part is, I know her name: Lydia (or at least I think that's how it's spelled), and I've never talked to her before. I've never even said hello. I think I want to say hello tomorrow.

The class itself It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. We just learned that Columbus was an extremely evil man who sold sex slaves and thought himself God's messenger. I already knew this because he was my research subject in Spanish II (go figure), but everyone else was like, "Holy crap my teachers have lied to me."

Fourth class:  Journalism:  It's good to be the techie. I think I just usurped the power of the Leading Yearbook Editor, moving myself to #2 and her to #3 (under the teacher, of course). It was just so funny how the teacher put me in charge of Photoshop, and all of a sudden, she's furious. Ah...the joys of being a super techie.

I think I'll say hi at lunch...

And with that, *POOF* I'm gone!

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