Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 4: Feeling Lost

Less and less things make sense when you're a teenager.

To sum up my day...I discovered that I don't know who I really am.

Yesterday's post has gotten me thinking: "What am I going to do to rectify my problems?" The only answer I ever got was: "You can't change it. You have to change yourself." I am now, red eyed and still sniffling. Yes, I'm a super awesome, super huge and super buff guy, and, yes, I'm crying...It's painful to admit it, but I actually have feelings. I want to look mean and forboding, but it just doesn't work for me. It won't work for me in the future. I will never meet a nice girl...well, I will probably meet a nice girl, but I would never be able to even date one...if I don't change my disposition. You know what? I'm gonna resolve, as my first step, to start calling my two best female friends by their nicknames...Aly and Merry. Maybe that'll show how I'm actually human instead of super Spartan warrior...Maybe I could finally walk down the halls and say, "I'm NOT going to kick you down the well."

I don't know how well it will work, so, please, anyone reading this, if you could please leave a comment telling me other ways I could become more approachable. If you do, I would be eternally grateful.

Oh, I almost forgot:  I'm still not learning Joomla. Whoop-de-do.

And I still don't know whether to grab on tightly to any one thing or just float for a little while longer.

I didn't talk about that before? Oh well. I'm bringing it up now.

And with that, *POOF* I'm gone!

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