Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Intermission: Re-vibed

Re-vibed? Is that even a word? Oh well.

So, Christmas was almost certainly a disaster. lol. I got home from my Dad's house, and within ten minutes of me stepping through the door, my mom was yelling at me. Fancy that.

And then I came to a revelation of what I should be doing with my life (which isn't procrastinating), and then she yells at me some more. Thanks for the welcome wagon.

I've also come to the realization that I don't need a relationship to show who I am. I can do it by myself, without anyone else's help. And, if I am to be a writer, I will most likely be by myself anyway. At least for now.

Random skill--Calligraphy. I have it. And, now that I have a dip pen and some real ink, I'm getting really good at it. And now I'm going to sell my skill. Anyone reading this that wishes to rent my skill, please comment on any of my posts, and I will get in contact with you as soon as possible. Expect samples.

And with that, *POOF* I'm gone!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 19: Writing

I've been working on my book quite a while the last few days. And, I believe it's coming along very well. My mentor has even told me how well I've been doing. Apparently, I've exceeded all her expectations. Imagine that. lol.

So, some dude under an alias is trying to diss my best friend on Yeah...he's a douche. Basic psychology tells you that. And why he's doing it.

Turns out I misunderstood Lydia when she replied before the dance. She said she wasn't planning on going with anyone. Meh. I guess it wasn't so fabulous anyway. Before it was all said and done, I couldn't even get a single dance. Hmph. Now that I look back, I could have at least had a good time.

And, by the way, if anyone sees this that still plays the first Starcraft, please, tell me. I'll be waiting.

And with that, *POOF* I'm gone!